Anyways, sorry for the long post, but hope this helps with some of the questions and problems people were encountering. I can sort of see the lines of the wood in the paint, but I can write on it fine. I think it looks fine though and I can write on it without any problems. Now my board erases easily and completely (with my finger even), although the board is more of a black/gray than the deep black it started as. Valspar Tintable Latex Tintable Chalkboard Paint (1-Quart) Creates a smooth, slate-like chalkboard finish Durable, long lasting, writable, erasable finish. I just kept trying to write on it, and if it didn’t erase with the dry cloth, I wiped it with the wet one and primed it again. I probably did about 5 round of priming it, beginning with a damp cloth to wipe the chalk off, and then moving to a dry cloth to rub it in better. Then I primed it with a piece of chalk (otherwise the writing will stay on it). I painted my boards, a couple coats (didn’t really wait in between so not sure if that counts as a coat). Each board was about 6″ by 7.” I put the non-sanded tile grout in a bucket, poured in the paint (just used some Apple Barrel brand black acrylic paint from Walmart, nothing special) and mixed them together well with a spoon. Check Price on Amazon What We Like Spray can paint Quick drying Scratch resistant Good coverage Easy to erase 6. This chalkboard paint is easy to use and ideal for a range of indoor surfaces. I sanded each board with an electric sander to remove the weird finish on it (it was repurposed wood). This chalkboard paint allows you to transform any surface in the home into a workable chalkboard that is fun for kids and adults alike. I used pieces of fir wood (I think it was fir). Just made this, and just wanted to post about my experience in case it helps anyone.

How fun is that? There are so many possibilities and price is now no longer a factor! You could paint a whole room in chalk board paint! Your kids would think you were da bomb! Paint for plastics or acrylic paint or house paint. Erase the chalk and your chalkboard surface should be ready to go!.Many hardware and paint supply stores sell this type of paint, and it can also be ordered through.

Once it has been applied to a surface, the surface can be used just like a regular chalkboard, although it may require periodic touch-ups.